1. Phyllocladus hypophyllus Hook. f. in Gard. Bull. Singapere 20: 123-126. 1963.
2. Aspects of morphology of Phyllocladus hypophyllus in Ann. Bot. n.s. 27: 69-80. 1963.
3. On the family Phyllocladaceae in Taiwania 18: 142-145. 1973.
4. The phylloclade of Phyllocladus and its possible bearing on the branch systems of progymnosperms in-Ann. Bot. n.s. 38: 757-764. 1974.
5. Phyllocladus and its bearing on the systematics of conifers. In K. Kubitzki, Flowering plants, evolution and classification of higher categories (Pl. Syst. Evol. Suppl. 1) pp. 235-252. Springer-Verlag: Wein & New York. 1977.
6. The genus Phyllocladus (Phyllocladaceae) in Jour. Arnold Arb. 59: 249-273. 1978.
7. The phylloclade of Phyllocladus and its possible bearing on the foliate organs of Coniferophytes. in Bot. Bull. Acad. Sin. 20: 9-17. 1979.
8. A new interpretation of the compound strobilar structures of cordaites and conifers in Reinwardtia 9: 1979, in print.
9. Aspects of morphology of Amentotaxus formosanus with a note on the taxonomic position of the genus in Jour. Arnold Arb. 50: 432-446. 1969.
10. A new scheme of clasification of the conifers in Taxon 24: 289-292. 1975.
"I wish to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to the publishers of the above periodicals their permission to reprint these articles, to Professor Dr. Tseng-Chieng Huang for his helpful suggestions and encouragement, and to Professor Tsai-I Yang for his unfailing attention and interest to the publication of this book."
Introduction | ||
1. | On the family Phyllocladaceae (1973) | 1 |
2. | The genus Phyllocladus (1978) | 5 |
3. | Phyllocladus hypophyllus Hook. f. (1963) | 31 |
4. | Aspects of morphology of Phyllocladus hypophyllus (1963) | |
5. | The phylloclade of Phyllocladus and its possible bearing on the branch | |
systems of progymnosperms (1974) | 47 | |
6. | The phylloclade of Pyllocladus and its possible bearing on the foliate | |
organs of Coniferophytes conifers (1979) | 57 | |
7. | A new interpretation of compound strobiliar structures of cordaites and | |
conifers (1979) | 67 | |
8. | Phyllocladus and its bearing on the systernatics of conifers (1977) | 75 |
Appendix | ||
9. | Aspects of morphology of Amentotaxus formosanus with a note on the | |
taxonomic position of the genus .1969) | 92 | |
10. | A new scheme of classification of the conifers (1975) | 109 |