Juniperus thurifera Gallery

Morocco - Spain

Photos by Nicolas Montès
Visit the complete site of Juniperus thurifera by Nicolas Montès

Click on the photos to enlarge them or on the legends to see the close-up.
Juniperus thurifera
A thuriferous juniper with spun branches
(Azzaden valley, High Atlas mountains)
Juniperus thurifera
A young thuriferous juniper
This strange shape is due to grazing
(Oukaïmeden, High Atlas mountains)
Juniperus thurifera
A thuriferous juniper shaped by the wind
Juniperus thurifera
A degraded thuriferous juniper
(Azzaden valley, High Atlas mountains)
Juniperus thurifera
Female cones
Juniperus thurifera
Male strobili
Juniperus thurifera
Juniperus thurifera in Spain
Juniperus thurifera
Juniperus thurifera in Spain

Photos : © Nicolas Montès

February 2002