Scientific Article

The high altitude white pines of Mexico and the adjacent SW USA (Pinus L. subgenus Strobus Lemmon, Pinaceae) by M. P. Frankіs
International Dendrology Society, Yearbook 2008, pp. 63-72.

Abstract: The newly described white pine from northeast Mexico Pinus stylesii Frankіs ex Businský is compared with other related pines, including P. flexilis James, P. reflexa (Engelm.) Engelm., P. strobiformis Engelm., P. veitchii Roezl, and P. ayacahuite Ehrenberg ex Sclechtendal. The new combination Pinus strobiformis subsp. veitchii (Roezl) Frankіs is made, transferring this taxon from P. ayacahuite under which it has traditionally been treated as P. ayacahuite var. veitchii (Roezl) Shaw.

Scientific Article

Notes on the Cupressaceae in Vietnam by Keith Rushforth
TC Sinh hoc, 2007, Vol 29, No 3, p. 32-39, (eng). - ISSN 0866-7160.

Abstract: The taxonomy of the species of Cupressaceae indigenous to Vietnam is reviewed. Cupressus tonkinensis Silba is considered the correct name for the Cupressus in Lang Son province, not Cupressus torulosa; The genus Xanthocyparis is reduced to a subgenus of Cupressus and the new combination Cupressus vietnamensis (Farjon & Hiep) Rushforth made. The genus Fokienia is not considered separable from Chamaecyparis and the combination Chamaecyparis hodginsii (Dunn) Rushforth is made. The conifers associated with Cupressus vietnamensis and their conservation are discussed.
Key words: Cupressus; Xanthocyparis; Chamaecyparis; Fokienia; Cupressus tonkinensis; Cupressus vietnamensis; Chamaecyparis hodginsii.

Scientific Article

NOTES Royal Botanical Garden Edinburgh
Notes RBG Edinb. 45(3): 527-548 (1988)

A study of the intergeneric relationships in the family Pinaceae based on the morphology of a variety of reproductive and vegetative parts indicates the presence of eleven genera arranged in four subfamilies. The subfamily Piceoideae Frankіs, subfam. nov. is proposed, and the circumscriptions of subfamilies Laricoideae Melch. & Werd. and Abietoideae Pilger are emended.

Scientific Articles - Picea alpestris

Picea alpestris Brügger. von Garteninspektor B. Stein in Breslau.
Gartenfl. xxxvii. (1887) 346.

Internet Resource - Identification key of the Cypress family (Cupressaceae) by C. Schulz & P. Knopf

"With this identification key, for the first time the determination of each Cupressaceae taxon is possible, as well as the flexible identification of different types of specimens (like female cones, vegetative specimens, herbarium specimens, specimens from cultivars etc.)."
"The key comprises any of the 30 genera, 134 species, 7 subspecies, 38 varieties, 1 form, and thus all 180 taxa recognized by FARJON (2001). The key uses 123 morphological characters. These characters are divided into 19 character subsets (habit, trunk, bark, crown, branch, branchlet, leaves, needle leaves, scale leaves, lateral leaves, facial leaves, male cone, male cone scales, female cone, female cone scales, columella, seeds, seed wings, supplements)."
"In addition, the key contains all in all 1,112 macroscopic photos in order to test the plausibility of the identification result."

Scientific Articles - Flora of China

8 November 2000